The Open Microscopy Environment Remote Objects (OMERO) is an open-source image manager used by many biologists to store, organize, view, and share microscopy images, while the open-source software ImageJ/Fiji is a very popular program used to analyze them. However, there is a lack of an easy-to-use generic tool to run a workflow on a batch of images without having to download them to local computers, and to automatically organize the results in OMERO. To offer this functionality, we have built an ImageJ/Fiji plugin to run a macro-program on a batch of images from OMERO, as well as a new set of Macro Functions (“OMERO Macro extensions”), dedicated to interact with OMERO in macro-programming. In this workshop, we will demonstrate how to use the “Batch OMERO plugin”, and, more importantly, how macros should be adapted to fully benefit from its functionalities. We will also outline the limits of this plugin and see how we can circumvent this using the macro extensions. Attendees should have at least a basic understanding of OMERO and ImageJ macro programming.