TR175 - Career development perspectives for young scientists in Academia

Clément Cabriel (

This round table aims to provide information about career opportunities and professional development after the PhD in academia. It is intended for young scientists such as PhD students and postdocs of the bioimaging community. It is organized by the Imabio Young Scientists Network as a discussion between the participants and invited academic researchers (enseignant/chercheur, CNRS researchers, research engineers). The aim of the round table is to make young scientists aware of possible career tracks after the PhD. They will be provided with information about the different types of positions and the associated responsibilities and recruitment processes. Long-term career perspectives, specificities of the French system compared to other countries and work/personal balance will also be tackled. Other topics are welcome, as the discussion will be oriented following the questions of the participants. Note : YSN also organizes another Round Table about professional perspectives in industry (TR195-Career development perspectives for young scientists in Industry).